Imperial News

Remembering Professor Alasdair Campbell

by Professor Lesley F Cohen

Alasdair Campbell, a much valued member of Experimental Solid State Physics group, passed away on Saturday 27 February 2021.

Alasdair Campbell was a much valued member of Imperial's Experimental Solid State Physics (EXSS) group and an exceptional scientist in his own right. Always ready with a joke, a kind and gentle colleague, a thoughtful and gifted supervisor, and a dedicated teacher. His strength of character and his bravery in the face of increasing ill health was humbling.

He will be missed by all of us, but particularly by his friends and colleagues in EXSS, Centre for Processible Electronics and the Departments of Chemistry and Materials.

Alasdair with his research group on the roof of the Blackett Physics building
One of Alasdair's research images showing chiral layers of carbon-based polymers