Imperial and TU Munich launch joint PhD programme in Mathematics of Information


TU Munich

Imperial and TU Munich have launched a call, 'Mathematics of Information: Theory and Application' under the Joint Academy of Doctoral Studies (JADS).

The call invites Principal Investigators at Imperial and TUM to jointly put forward a research project within the theme of this call, to be underpinned by one PhD student at Imperial (existing or starting next October) and one PhD student at TUM, with joint supervision plans. The programme aims to leverage the expertise and resources of both universities to train the next generation of researchers, and to advance research and innovation in areas of importance to both universities and to society.

As studentships at Imperial are usually allocated by departments or other research groups, the HoD, or Director of the CDT, DTP, or relevant research group that has the studentship, must confirm that the PI has approval to utilise one studentship from that department or group for the Imperial portion of the joint PhD project. By matching an existing Imperial studentship to this programme, successful PIs benefit by extending their research to include a TUM studentship and supervisor in the project.

Please see the call website for guidance and application form. The application deadline is 5 April 2021

Details on last year’s JADS awards in the theme of 'AI, Healthcare, and Robotics,' are available here.

Apply for the Imperial-TUM Joint Academy of Doctoral Studies.

Image credit: A. Heddergott / TUM.
The parabola slide is a work of art from the artists Brunner/Ritz
(© BRUNNER/RITZ, VG Bild Kunst 2020).


Anuj Sood

Anuj Sood
Department of Mathematics

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