Imperial News

Zero Pressure with astronaut Helen Sharman

by Max Swinscow-Hall

The new Zero Pressure Podcast from Imperial College London, ISST and Saab launches today.

Global security and resilience have become increasingly widespread talking points since the COVID-19 pandemic revealed just how big the challenges can be, and how everyone’s daily lives can be impacted.

Now, Britain’s first astronaut, Helen Sharman, will be hosting a new podcast series shining a spotlight on the science and technology which impact global security and resilience.

Created by Imperial’s Institute for Security Science and Technology (ISST) in collaboration with Saab, the podcast will look at protection for individuals, nations and the whole Earth from both cyber and physical threats, with the discussion spanning from space and aerospace to deep ocean technology.

The role that ground-breaking technologies can play in addressing and solving the global challenges of today and tomorrow will be a central theme of the podcast series. And the insights and experiences of the thinkers and doers who are leading the way in developing these technologies will feature throughout.

“We will be sharing insights and examining how cutting-edge scientific discovery and technological development can shape both the future of our planet and this part of the Universe." Said host Helen Sharman, who also holds a position at Imperial as UK Outreach Ambassador.

The first episode, launched today on all major platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, will be a discussion about Space in 2050 between the first astronaut from the UK and the first astronaut from Sweden.



Helen welcomes Christer Fuglesang, who became the first Swedish astronaut in December 2006 when he flew as Mission Specialist on the Space Shuttle Discovery’s voyage to the International Space Station. Now a professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Christer will share some of his experiences and views on the future of space exploration, security in space, and much more.

The two astronauts will speak about their experiences of being in space. They will also examine issues including what developments we are likely to see in science and technology that will enable further space exploration and how that might impact us on Earth? What are the likely legal and political connotations of the new space race?  Will space become more accessible and more commercialised and if so what kind of regulation might we need to support this? What about the impacts of our actions on space itself? Are there responsible space solutions?”

Professor Deeph Chana, co-director of the Institute for Security Science and Technology at Imperial College London said:

“Security is a global challenge which is impacted by emerging and disruptive technologies, both in terms of new problems and solutions. Engaging new and diverse audiences with the big issues around security and resilience is essential to finding the right solutions and forging global cooperation. The Zero Pressure podcast is exactly the sort of thing we need to drive forward this mission.”

Listeners are encouraged to post questions to Helen and the guests on the Twitter account, @ZeroPressurePod.

The episodes will all be available on the website here: