Imperial News

Cassandra wins poster prize at the RSC Chemical Biology Symposium

by Jennie Hutton

Congratulations to Dr Cassandra Kennedy who won joint first poster prize at the RSC Chemical Biology Symposium in May

The symposium brought together a wide range of experts from across the field of chemical biology for an online event exploring recent advances and the scope and impact of the discipline and showcased over sixty posters.  

Cassandra completed her PhD in the group in 2020 as part of the ICB CDT and was co-supervised by Avinash Shenoy and presented a poster detailing her work identifying a novel off-target of a small-molecule inflammasome inhibitor, MCC950.

The prize-winning poster can be viewed in full here and you can also watch a fantastic introductory video to Cassandra’s research!

Cassandra is currently working in the group of Katrin Rittinger on a fragment-based drug discovery project in collaboration with the GSK LinkLabs at the Francis Crick Institute.

Congratulations Cassandra!
