Imperial News

CSEI co-Director Professor Jennifer Whyte wins President’s Award

by Jeni Giambona

CSEI co-Director Professor Jennifer Whyte wins President’s Award

Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation’s co-Director Professor Jennifer Whyte was the recipient of the prestigious Imperial College London President’s Award for Excellence in Societal Engagement medal for Excellence in External Collaboration and Partnerships.

Due to the impact of the Covid pandemic, the ceremony was held online on Tuesday 15 June 2021. It brought together Imperial College London’s community to celebrate its achievements and reveal the prestigious medal winners.

Presenting the medal Professor Nick Jennings, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), highlighted Professor Whyte’s achievements in establishing long-lasting and impactful collaborations both within and outside Imperial College London, through her influential work with industry, policy and academic bodies. He also remarked on Professor Whyte’s pivotal role in the development of a Systems Engineering community and track record through her Directorship of the Centre.

Professor Whyte says: ‘I am honoured to be receiving this award. I would like to thank colleagues in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for their support. It is a great acknowledgement of our research collaborations with leaders in the construction sector to improve systems integration and transform the delivery of buildings and infrastructure. We have been working with a strategic partner, Laing O’Rourke, cofounder of my Royal Academy of Engineering chair in Systems Integration, and a growing network of industry and policy connections. These partnerships have shaped our research and implemented our findings. I would also like to thank colleagues in the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation, Dr Ana Mijic as Co-Director, Jeni Giambona, our Research and Engagement Manager, and Tim Gordon as Centre Administrator. Thanks go to the teams across College that have supported our external collaborations and partnerships: Industrial Partnerships and Commercialization, Research Services, Contracts, CPD, and Executive Education.’

It was a great day for the CSEI team as Professor Washington Ochieng, Centre Executive Director, was also recognised in the President’s Awards with a medal for Excellence in Research Supervision. Professor Emma McCoy, Interim Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience) presented the award commending Professor Ochieng’s ‘open door’ approach to supporting students, and his significant contribution to doctoral research supervision. Professor Ochieng thanked the College for the prestigious recognition and paid tribute to his 60 doctoral students, both past and present.

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