Imperial News

Academic Elected Vice President of the Royal Institute of Navigation

by Melanie Hargreaves

Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng has been elected Vice President of the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN).

Professor Ochieng, CEng, FREng, FRIN, FICE, FCIHT, FInstCES, was elected at the RIN's Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 29 June 2021. Professor Ochieng is a serving Trustee and Member of both the Council and Technical Committee of the RIN. 

" be an inclusive group of diverse disciplines and people working together for a more navigable world" Royal Institute of Navigation Vision

Professor Ochieng joins the top leadership of the RIN at a time when the United Kingdom is developing its national and international strategies for Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) following exit from the European Union, and its consequences on relevant collaborative projects including the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) and GALILEO.

Professor Ochieng is particularly excited by the RIN’s new mission and vision.

The latter is to “unite in one body those interested in navigation, and to advance the art, science and practice of navigation and to promote knowledge in navigation and its associated sciences, including positioning, timing, tracking and conduct of a journey, whether on, in, over or under land, sea, air or space”.

This is translated into the vision “to be an inclusive group of diverse disciplines and people working together for a more navigable world".

He looks forward to working with the members of the RIN, industry, government, non-governmental organisations and the wider public to promote the vast contributions of PNT to the world and beyond, including through research, education innovation and practice.

In particular, the instruments and programmes encapsulated within the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Societal Resilience programmes will be a fundamental part of the RIN’s activities.

Professor Ochieng is the current Head of the Centre for Transport Studies in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Co-Director of the Institute of Institute for Security Science and Technology.

He takes over in September as Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.