Imperial News

Co-Organisation of GECCO Workshop - EvoRL

by Maxime Allard

AIRL Lab is co-organising the Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning Workshop at GECCO this year together with other research labs.

Antoine Cully from our lab together with Giuseppe Paolo, Alex Coninx (both ISIR in Sorbonne University) and Adam Gaier (Autodesk AI Lab) are organising the Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning Workshop at GECCO 2021, which is happening on the 10th of July. This year's schedule includes keynotes from Jeff Clune and Sebastian Risi. A total of 6 selected papers will be presented in addition to the keynote talks and they will focus on the intersection between specialists from the Reinforcement Learning and the Evolutionary Algorithms fields. Recent papers have shown that both fields can be very powerful when used together (e.g. First Return Then Explore algorithm, which has been published in Nature earlier this year).