Imperial News

Emily Li awarded Professor John Lever Memorial Award

by Kayleigh Brewer

Third-year Undergraduate student Emily Li has been recognised for her contributions to the student community.

The John Lever Memorial Award recognises student contributions to teaching & learning in engineering. This year Emily Li from the Department of Materials received the award for her significant contributions to peer engagement with the Undergraduate community during the pandemic period of remote learning.

Maintaining student connections

Emily started the role of Undergraduate Wellbeing Representative for the Department of Materials in Autumn 20/21. This was a challenging year to begin as a Wellbeing Representative, and Emily realised that student to student interactions had been impacted throughout the pandemic.

She set up virtual study groups, networking sessions and social events to allow for constant connection throughout the year. Emily ran these events virtually and collaborated with the Materials Wellbeing Team to host a virtual 'Tea and Biscuits' drop-in session every Saturday morning. She also had an active role in the Department's Equality, Diversity and Culture Committee.

It’s an honour to be recognised for positively impacting student experiences, especially in such a time of change. Emily Li

Those who nominated Emily for the award agreed that her actions had improved the student learning experience during the pandemic.

"The informal interactions that Emily planned have enabled students to feel comfortable interacting with each other.

In addition, her support for cultural celebrations has also made many students feel comfortable sharing their experiences with others.

The amount of time Emily has given to enhancing the learning experience this year is certainly worthy of recognition."

'A significant and positive impact on the student experience'

Emily's dedication is recognised as a fantastic contribution to the student experience.

Professor Peter Haynes, Head of the Department of Materials, commented:

"Emily has made a fantastic contribution to Departmentment in her role as Undergraduate Wellbeing Representative.

Her energy and initiative have made a significant and positive impact on the student experience during the pandemic, and I am in awe of what she has achieved."

Plans for the future

On receiving the award, Emily said:

"I'm extremely delighted to receive the John Lever Memorial award this year — it's an honour to be recognised for making a positive impact on student experiences, especially in such a time of change.

Without a doubt, I must also mention the contributions of our incredible Materials Wellbeing representation team, both students and staff alike. I look forward to continuing the good representation with my peers and am excited to see what the new academic year brings!"

While Emily will retire from her role as Undergraduate Wellbeing Representative for this year, she is looking forward to joining the Royal School of Mines Union as Vice President (Welfare) for 2021/2022.