Imperial News

Imperial is first for Mechanical Engineering in The Guardian ranking

by Nadia Barbu

Imperial College London was ranked first for Mechanical Engineering in “The best UK universities 2022” guide published by The Guardian.

The good news comes in a year full of achievements for our university. The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide has named Imperial College London as University of the Year 2022. 

Professor Mike Lowe, Head of Department in Mechanical Engineering, said: “I am delighted to see that the Guardian newspaper has rated the Department in first position for Mechanical Engineering in their Best UK University guide 2022. This is a great achievement and is a tribute to all of the dedication and hard work by everyone in the department!”

Dr Linda Stringer (Senior Teaching Fellow and Undergraduate Admissions Tutor in Mechanical Engineering) said: “From an admissions perspective this is great news – it means we attract the dedicated mechanical engineers as well as the general engineers, who choose our course because it is the broadest of Imperial’s engineering courses.

There is one downside of these high rankings – we do get so many excellent applicants that it is difficult to select the most deserving! Last year nearly 2200 people applied for our course – that’s over ten applicants for every place. The majority of applications demonstrate great motivation for our subject and have excellent high school grades.”