Imperial News

Marios Kogias has received the 2021 Dennis Ritchie Award

by Mr Ahmed Idle

The award is given annually to the best Dissertation of the Year in the computer systems community.

Mario Kogias is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK, and will start as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Imperial College London in 2022.

Marios Kogias received his PhD in 2020 at EPFL and was advised by Prof. Edouard Bugnion. Dr Kogias was presented the 2021 ACM SIGOPS Dennis Ritchie Award at this year’s 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, the flagship conference in the field.

In his thesis, Operating System and Network Co-Design for Latency-Critical Datacenter Applications, and research papers, Kogias studied operating system and network co-design for latency-critical datacenter applications.

Kogias was the driving force behind the Zygos scheduler, the Lancet measuring tool, the R2P2 transport protocol and the HoverCraft consensus accelerator, all developed at the EPFL Data Center Systems Laboratory (DCSL).

Mario said: “I’m honored to have won the Dennis Ritchie Award and look back at my time at EPFL as a fantastic period in my career. I look forward to continuing this research in the future,”.