Imperial News

Scott Lovell appointed to a lectureship at the University of Bath

by Ravi Singh

Congratulations to Tate group alumnus Dr Scott Lovell, who has been appointed to assistant professor at the University of Bath

Scott completed his PhD in the Tate group in September 2019, where he studied the role of Kallikrein-related peptidases and other proteases in cancer progression using chemical biology techniques. Scott is currently undertaking postdoctoral research at Stanford University in the lab of Professor Matthew Bogyo, where he is using phage display approaches to identify selective activity-based probes for hydrolases in cancer and pathogenic bacteria.

Scott will join the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at Bath University in May 2022. His research group will develop targeted covalent inhibitors for difficult to drug proteins using chemical proteomics and display technologies.

 Congratulations Dr Lovell!