Imperial News

IMSE call for proposals for 2022 seed fund

by Dr Steph Pendlebury

The Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering (IMSE) will fund new cross-disciplinary research and collaborations on the theme of sustainability

IMSE seeks to transform the way in which engineers, scientists, medical and business researchers use molecular scale science to develop engineering solutions to societal and industrial challenges. We are offering funding to enable the development of new cross-disciplinary collaborations and research directions, to generate proof-of-concept and/or preliminary results, with a view to developing larger funding proposals in the near future. 

We invite Imperial academics, Fellows and post-doctoral researchers to submit applications around the theme of sustainability and circular economy. We are looking for applications that address societal or industrial challenges within the theme of sustainability and circular economy, using a trans-disciplinary approach across scales (molecular to engineering). Proposed projects will initiate new cross-disciplinary collaborations, or new directions for existing collaborations, and align with IMSE’s ethos of diversity.  We are looking for exciting research that could address one or more IMSE Research Themes or Grand Challenges.  Applications must describe the importance of the research in language that is understandable by a non-scientist. 

We are looking for projects that can deliver and support the following outcomes: 

  • Successful proof-of-concept studies 
  • Generation of pilot data to enable successful application for larger grants 
  • The submission of a larger grant proposal within 12 months of the seed-funded project 

We plan to award grants of £15-20k for short (2-3 month) cross-disciplinary research projects. Projects must be completed by 30th June 2022. Contact for more information. 

Invitation to participate in sandpit events 

Sandpit events will take place on Friday 4th February 2022, via MS Teams.  These are an opportunity to network with fellow Imperial researchers interested in this funding opportunity, via introductions and initial break-out sessions.  Initial ideas for cross-College research proposals will be fleshed out in the second session, through themed break-out discussions and brainstorming.  

Imperial researchers are also invited to join the mini-symposium that will showcase the 2021 projects: “IMSE seed-funded projects: emerging areas in molecular science and engineering” on 27th January 2022.  If you would like to register to attend this session, please email? 


This call is open to any Imperial College academic, fellow or PDRA (fellows and PDRAs must have permission from their supervisor/line manager). Each application must include a least two investigators from different departments. The work will be performed at Imperial College London.