Imperial News

Independent investigation report published

Imperial has published parts of the 2020 independent investigation report into allegations of bullying.

This follows an instruction from the Information Commissioner’s Office, published last week, and a meeting of Imperial’s Council on 2 February. 

The Chair of Council John Allan has written to the Imperial community to share the report and to explain the College’s decision in publishing rather than appealing the ICO instruction.

The ICO agreed that personal information on participants in the process, including witnesses and complainants, should be withheld, but it determined that portions of the report containing personal information about the President and CFO should be released. 

The report is available to read now [pdf]. The 12 recommendations from the report were published in 2020.

President Alice Gast said:  “It was personally devastating for me to find that my behaviour fell short of both the College’s and my own expectations and that it had affected a colleague in this way. I repeat my sincere apologies.  I pledged to use the experience as a catalyst for positive change for both me and Imperial.  In the two years since these events took place, I have worked hard to ensure that my colleagues feel fully supported as we all contribute to improvements in the College culture.”  

CFO Muir Sanderson said:  “The report makes as uncomfortable reading now as it did in 2020. I have apologised for my actions and I remain sorry. I cooperated fully with the investigation and accepted the disciplinary sanctions applied. Since then, I have been trying to learn from the lessons of that period. It is still work in progress but I am always encouraged when someone comments that they can see the results of my efforts. I intend to stay focused on this.”

The report is available to read now [pdf].