PECDT alumni win Physics departmental prizes for their theses.
Matyas Daboczi and Joel Luke (both PECDT Cohort 8) were awarded thesis prizes from the Experimental Solid State Group in Physics.
Matyas won an award that recognises originality and scientific insight, and is given in honour of Prof Alasdair Campbell, a valued member of the CPE who sadly passed away last year. Matyas' thesis is titled Origin of Charge Carrier Recombination Losses in Perovskite-Based Solar Cells Revealed by Interfacial Energetics and Surface Photovoltage.
“I am honoured to receive the thesis prize named after Alasdair Campbell – it makes me feel lucky that I could have attended his lectures and reminds me of how great, knowledgeable and at the same time casual and approachable person he was.”
Joel won the Solid State Physics Prize, which recognises scientific contribution as measured by peer review publications in the area for his thesis, titled Overcoming barriers to non-fullerene acceptor based organic solar cell commercialization: understanding stability and low-light performance.
"I was very surprised to receive this award, but am very grateful and happy to receive it. I’m especially happy that Matyas received an award as well, as we spent so much time together during our PhDs."
Both Joel and Matyas were supervised by Prof Ji-Seon Kim: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/nanoanalysis-group.
Congratulations to both!
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Lisa Bushby
Department of Physics