International Day of Women and Girls in Science


Women and girls in science photo

Female scientists in the group comprising of MRes, PhD, and postdoctoral researchers

Today marks International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We would like to highlight the achievements of female researchers in our group

To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we would like to highlight the many brilliant female scientists in our group. They are involved in cutting-edge projects which propel research forwards.

A few highlights from our female researchers include Dr Elena De Vita winning the prestigious Merck Innovation Cup, Dr Rita Petracca and Dr Patrycja Michalska Dziama being awarded Marie-Curie fellowships, Dr Janine Gray winning the first place poster prize at the RSC/SCI AMR conference, and PhD student Emma Couves winning joint first place for her research presentation. A number of first-author publications from Ana Losada de la Lastra and Sarah Hassan, Dr Anja Schlott, Dr Cassandra Kennedy, and Dr Nattawadee Panyain have also been published to high impact journals over the last 12 months.


Ravi Singh

Ravi Singh
Department of Chemistry

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