Imperial News

Celebrating International Women's Day in the Faculty of Engineering

by Helen Wilkes

Departments across Imperial's Faculty of Engineering celebrated International Women's Day on Tuesday 9 March through panel events, Q&As and videos.

This year's theme was #BreakTheBias, inspiring women and their allies to dismantle bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Among the events taking place around Imperial College for Women at Imperial Week 2022, Ji Young Yoon from the Department of Bioengineering took part in the Department of Life Science's 'Intersectional Women in STEM' panel.

In the Department of Computing, the Women and Non-Binary Individuals in Computing group organised a postgraduate panel on the topic 'Breaking the Bias in Industry and Academia'.

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering hosted two events: a keynote with discussion by Asimina Mertzani, recipient of the Professor Maria Petrou PhD Scholarship, and a Women in STEM roundtable discussion with representatives from industry and academia.

ESE staff reflected on the theme of this year’s IWD, #BreakTheBias, and shared what it means to them in terms of diversity, equitability, inclusivity and gender discrimination in the Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering as well as ESE as a community. Catch up on Twitter.

The Department of Materials created a video playlist to celebrate the women in their department, from undergraduate to lecturer, who inspire them everyday. Award-winning journalist and author Angela Saini also joined the department for a Q&A session.