Imperial News

Dr Mijic contributes to e-book on Solutions for Air, Water and Land Pollution

by Jeni Giambona

CSEI Director Dr Ana Mijic contributes to Imperial College London’s e-book on Solutions for Air, Water and Land Pollution

The Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation’s Director, Dr Ana Mijic, has contributed to Solutions for Air, Water and Land Pollution, a new and important e-book by Imperial College London’s Transition to Zero Pollution initiative that looks to help society achieve a zero-pollution future.

Achieving Net Zero is at the top of the environmental agenda. However, there are other pollution challenges that need to be tackled as well. Imperial College London’s Transition to Zero Pollution adopts a holistic approach to address all forms of pollution – air, land, water – in order to help businesses, and society as a whole, address the urgent sustainability challenges that lie ahead and that go beyond net zero carbon. In order to do this, we need to take a systems approach.

For what concerns water specifically, as Dr Mijic explains, a systemic approach to water management helps us understand the implications for water pollution. With that in mind she has developed, together with her research group, a Water Systems Integration Modelling Framework (WSIMOD) that can simulate the interaction between the natural system, the infrastructure system, and the decisions we take that will change these systems.

Download the e-book here.

For more information contact Dr Jeni Giambona,

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