Imperial News

Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship awarded for development of cancer inhibitors

by Ravi Singh

Dr Zhangping Xiao has been awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellowship to continue research in the Tate group

Dr. Zhangping Xiao obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy at the Nanchang University (China), after which he did his Master at the Peking University (China), studying medicinal chemistry of therapeutic oligonucleotides under the supervision of Prof. Zhenjun Yang.

In 2017, Zhangping moved to the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) to pursue his PhD in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology under the guidance of Prof. Frank Dekker and Prof. Wim Quax. His research focused on addressing cancer-related protein-protein interactions using small-molecule inhibitors and PROTACs.

After his PhD, Zhangping joined the Tate group as a BBSRC-funded research associate working on developing novel inhibitors of hedgehog acyltransferase in cancers. This will build on the previous work published by the Tate group.

The prestigious new funding awarded to Dr Xiao will allow him to work on unraveling the biology underpinning cancer development by using small-molecule probes.

 Congratulations Dr Zhangping Xiao!