Biomaterials Professor receives 2022 Mid-Career Researcher Award


Professor Molly Stevens

Professor Molly Stevens has been awarded the 2022 Mid-Career Researcher Award from the Materials Research Society.

The Materials Research Society Mid-Career Researcher Award, endowed by Aldrich Materials Science, recognises exceptional achievement in materials research made by mid-career professionals. 

Professor Stevens has received the award for her research into innovative biosensing nanomaterials technologies for point-of-care disease diagnostics.

Groundbreaking research

Professor Stevens' research focuses on investigating biomedical materials and regenerative medicine. Her multidisciplinary research balances the investigation of fundamental science with the development of technology to address some of the major healthcare challenges. 

The research of Professor Stevens has been instrumental in elucidating bio-material interfaces. Materials Research Society

Professor Stevens has created a broad portfolio of designer biomaterials for applications in disease diagnostics and regenerative medicine. Her team are making groundbreaking advances in the field of diagnosis, working to develop ultra-sensitive nanomaterials for biosensing while also manipulating what those materials can do. 

The Stevens Group’s point-of-care tests, including a test for HIV, are designed to cost less than a dollar and work in conjunction with mobile phones. In the process, the team hopes to democratise access to healthcare across the globe.

Awards and recognition

Professor Stevens is the Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences in the Department of Materials in the Department of Bioengineering and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London.

She is one of the youngest Fellows of the UK Royal Society and is a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. Professor Stevens also holds numerous leadership positions including Director of the UK Regenerative Medicine Platform "Smart Acellular Materials" Hub and Deputy Director of the EPSRC IRC in Early-Warning Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases.

Professor Stevens has been the recipient of over 30 prestigious awards, including the Acta Biomaterialia Silver Medal (2020), Surfaces and Interfaces Award (Royal Society of Chemistry 2019), Rosalind Franklin Medal and Prize (Institute of Physics, 2018), the Harrison Medal (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2017) and the Imperial College President’s Award and Medal for Outstanding Research Team (2016). View the full list on the Stevens Group website. 

She will be recognised at the 2022 MRS Spring Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. During the meeting, Professor Stevens will also present a lightning talk 'Designing Biomaterials To Repair The Body and Detect Diseases Earlier' and participate in a panel session with fellow award recipients. 

Adapted from a press release from the Materials Research Society.


Kayleigh Brewer

Kayleigh Brewer
Department of Materials


Engineering-Materials, Materials, Engineering-Bioeng
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