Imperial News

Horizons students contribute to research on the future of literature

by Ms Cleo Bowen

Congratulations to the Advanced Creative Writing class for their contribution to a University of East Anglia (UEA) project.

Dr Aifric Campbell’s Advanced Creative Writing students provided an outstanding contribution to UEA’s flagship project, Future and Form, funded by Arts Council England. In a workshop, Testing the Prototype: the Future of Writing, Imperial students investigated an interactive creative writing tool developed with award-winning writer, Tash Aw, in partnership with the British Archive for Contemporary Writing (UEA) and technology partner, Guildhall Live Events. Future and Form “aims to increase engagement with literature among new and traditionally hard to reach audiences,” investigating how the role of the writer might change over the next 50 years and how interactive immersive technologies might influence the writing process. 

Our Advanced Creative Writing class worked in groups to identify challenges and opportunities on a range of issues from design to learning outcomes, and presented their policy decisions on funding in workshop.

UEA were especially interested in feedback from STEMM students, acknowledging that "insights/ reflections from the students on this prototype is an incredible resource for us to have...This feedback via padlet is hugely interesting and valuable as it can contribute to a case study for a research project. (AHRC funding permitting)". The Advanced Creative Writing student cohort included undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Biotech, Medicine, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics and Bioengineering.