Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?


Creative Writing module leader Aifric Campbell featured in the latest Imperial Lates Event discussing her recent book The Love Makers.

CLCC's Dr Aifric Campbell, joined Professor Murray Shanahan (Artificial Intelligence Researcher at Imperial College LondonGoogle DeepMind and scientific consultant on the British Sci-fi film Ex Machina), and writer, physicist and former Horizons student Dr Anita Chandran to explore advances in AI and robots in the context of human machine companionship.

Aifric's recent book The Love Makers (2021) combines her novel with contributor essays from scientists, including Dr Anita Chandran, Prof Peter Childs and Prof Roberto Trotta.

The event was chaired by Sci Comm masters student Shannon Clerkin, who is interested in the role SF plays in real-world technology. 

Watch the recording of IMPERIAL LATES - Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?  April 25 2022 (youtube)


Ms Cleo Bowen

Ms Cleo Bowen
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication