Imperial News

ODDYSEY: Ocean DYnamicS obSErvation analYsis

by Anna Radomska

Bridge model-driven and observation-driven paradigms to develop, learn and analyse novel stochastic representations of ocean dynamics.

Ifremer, Inria, University of Brest, University Of Rennes I, and Institut Mines-Telecom in Brest are joining their force to create a new research team located both in Rennes and Brest. This research team named Odyssey ( for ``Ocean DYnamicS obServation AnalYsis’’ gathers 21 researchers in physical oceanography, applied mathematics and computational sciences. The motivations of the team are to study new tools to bridge model driven and observation-driven paradigms to develop and learn novel stochastic representations of the coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics. Methodological developments will be primarily implemented and demonstrated through three main objectives: (i) the analysis of mesoscale/submesoscale processes and internal waves, (ii) the monitoring of extremes ocean-atmosphere events and routes to rapid intensifications; (iii) the derivation of forefront deep-learning stochastic data assimilation techniques. Several STUOD's researchers, including the two PIs: Prof Bertrand Chapron and and Prof Etienne Mémin, are involved in this exciting initiative.