A new Network of Excellence in Fungal Science is launched at Imperial

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Fluorescent hyphae from Fusarium graminearum growing in a microfluidic device.

Fungal hyphae growing in a microfluidic device

A Network of Excellence bringing together researchers at Imperial and beyond to tackle global challenges in fungal science.

The Fungal Science Network will serve as a hub for the mycology community within Imperial and beyond, facilitating multidisciplinary collaborations among researchers to address global challenges. In parallel, it will provide a leadership, advocacy and communications platform for mycologists and a developmental framework for future leaders in fungal research. 


Darius Armstrong-James

Darius Armstrong-James
Department of Infectious Disease

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Email: d.armstrong@imperial.ac.uk

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Ioly Kotta-Loizou

Ioly Kotta-Loizou
Department of Life Sciences

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Email: i.kotta-loizou13@imperial.ac.uk

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Evolution, Food-security, Infectious-diseases, Education, Environment, Synthetic-biology, Research
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