Imperial News

What Would a World Without Antibiotics Look Like?

by Anna Barnard

Anna has featured in a BBC Ideas video focused on Antimicrobial Resistance

Anna has featured in a video made for BBC Idead on the topic of anitmicrobial resistance (AMR). Anna was interviewed and filmed in the lab where she discussed the prospect of trying to treat infectious disease without antibiotics and the challenge of resistance.

Check out the final version here.

Anna was featured alongside Dame Sally Davis, the Uk Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance. The video was made in collaboration with the Royal Society who part fund Anna's Sir Henry Dale Fellowship.

In the film, Dr Barnard said: “One of the main bottlenecks with antibiotic research is that the easiest thing to do is to look at the structures of existing antibiotics and modify those slightly to try to overcome the resistance. It's much more challenging to find a completely new class of antibiotics.

“I think if there were more awareness then there would be more general pressure from society on governments and on companies to fund more research into targeting this problem. We should be anticipating problems and doing something about them before they become enormous global crises.”