Imperial's School of Medicine highest for satisfaction in London, NSS 2022 shows


Medicine students celebrate their graduation at the Royal Albert Hall

Medicine students celebrate their graduation at the Royal Albert Hall

School programmes claimed the top spots for overall satisfaction against their London-based competitors in this year’s National Student Survey (NSS).

The School’s BSc in Medical Biosciences (BMB) becomes the highest ranked among its nine comparable programmes at London institutions, with an overall satisfaction rate of 81%.  

Up 16% on 2021, the three-year programme has the most improved satisfaction rate across the College.  

The score places it 25th in the UK rankings, moving up more than 40 places from 2021.  

Professor Alison McGregor, Head of BSc Medical Biosciences, said:  

“It is wonderful to see such positive results for BMB. We have listened to our students and dedicated a lot of time to developments and improvements, so it is fantastic to see that our students have appreciated this work, and brilliant that they are enjoying their learning. 
“Student feedback is always a key influence in our changes, and we’re delighted that these are having a clear and positive impact on their experience of the programme.  
“I am very proud of our team for their constant hard work and all they’ve achieved, and I am looking forward to working with them to keep improving BMB for our future students.”  
The programme maintained its run of high results and improvements across other NSS questions, reporting 90% satisfaction for the ‘Learning Resources’ theme, up 5% on 2021, and 88% for the ‘Teaching on my course’ question, up 6% on 2021.   

The ‘Organisation and Management’ theme scored 76% satisfaction, an increase of 18% on 2021. 

Marvellous medicine  

Imperial’s Medicine (MBBS) programme is the highest ranked across the London schools, with an overall satisfaction of 85%.  

It also saw its highest-ever response rate for the NSS at 90%, increasing from 86% in 2021, indicating a healthy student engagement despite ongoing effects of and challenges set by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The School retains 7th place in the UK rankings for medicine. 

Professor Amir Sam, Head of Imperial College School of Medicine, said:

“These results reflect our commitment to ensuring our students receive a consistent, high-quality education and to support them as they move into their careers.  
“A key aim for us, magnified by the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, is to improve our medical students’ preparation for practice and to ease the transition in their foundation training, and we hope to see continued success in this area as our graduates take their next steps.

“To have 90% of our final-year medical students reporting their satisfaction with their experience with us is testament to the hard work and expertise across our teams, and I am delighted it is being recognised by our students.”  

Enhancing student experience  

Consistent improvement of the student experience is a key focus for the School of Medicine team.  

Dr James Jensen-Martin, Director of Quality and Student Experience, said:  

“We are incredibly proud to have maintained our quality of student experience and satisfaction across the School of Medicine this year.  

“To see such significant improvement and ongoing success for our programmes speaks to the huge effort from all those offering their dedicated and consistent support to our students.  

“The student experience is at the heart of our work in the School of Medicine. We will continue to analyse these results in detail, and work with our student community to identify areas of focus for the year ahead, where we’ll develop the changes and improvements needed to ensure our student experience offering continues to be of the highest quality.”

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Dorrit Pollard-Davey

Dorrit Pollard-Davey
Faculty of Medicine Centre

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