Celebrating PhD and AHFEA achievements in the Department of Materials


Queen's Tower and yellow flowers

A celebration of PhD or AHFEA milestones during the Summer term 2022.

PhD Celebrations

A number of students have successfully passed their viva, marking the completion of their postgraduate research degree.

Congratulations to the following students:

Abdullah Hahem Alnuaimi under the supervision of Professor Laurence Williams

Chris Bilsland under the supervision of Dr Ben Britton

Daniel Boland under the supervision of Professor Molly Stevens

Maxine Chan under the supervision of Professor Molly Stevens        

Yiyun (Brian) Chen under the supervision of Professor Molly Stevens

Jaspreet Kainth under the supervision of Professor Martyn McLachlan

Vasilis Karamitros under the supervision of Professor Fionn Dunne

Thomas Kwok under the supervision of Professor David Dye

Carlos Ayestaran Latorre under the supervision of Professor Daniele Dini

Debesh Mandal under the supervision of Dr Stefano Angioletti Uberti

Ashley Marsh under the supervision of Professor Laurence Williams

Joe Moore under the supervision of Professor Milo Shaffer

Sam Rogers under the supervision of Professor David Dye

Luke Salter under the supervision of Professor Molly Stevens

Alexander Vanstone under the supervision of Dr William Branford

George Wilson under the supervision of Ainara Aguadero

Jianian Yong under the supervision of Dr Minh-Son Pham

Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) awardees

Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) provides recognition of professional practice for supporting teaching and learning in Higher Education. 

Associate Fellowship is awarded to professionals who can demonstrate they meet the criteria in the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. 

The following members of the department have been awarded AFHEA status:

Jessica Tjandra, Research Postgraduate under the supervision of Dr Stella Pedrazzini.

Rowan Hedgecock, Research Postgraduate under the supervision of Professor Luc Vandeperre.

Helena Dodd, Research Postgraduate under the supervision of Dr Iain Dunlop


Kayleigh Brewer

Kayleigh Brewer
Department of Materials


Materials, Engineering-Materials
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