Imperial News

Summer Reading 1: the most accessible PhD thesis

by Ms Cleo Bowen

Starting with Elizabeth Hauke's PhD thesis, Cleo Bowen challenges you to read something different this month.

We're well into summer vacation now and colleagues in the CLCC are busier than you might think. In between enjoying some well-earned time off, there is a lot to be done making plans for the new academic year. Whether solving the conundrums of module allocation or room bookings, gearing up to evening classes and new MSc cohorts, or reflecting on 2021/22 teaching, there's plenty to keep us busy.

As a bit of distraction I'd like to share some of what the Change Makers team, led by Dr Elizabeth Hauke, has been thinking and writing about recently. The themes of pedagogy and working with students are covered, alongside others, on the Change Makers Live, Love, Learn blog.

So, first up is a biggie - a whole PhD thesis. You're not expected to read it all (!) but it claims to be very accessible. Entitled ''Envoke (y)our authentic', Elizabeth has deliberately written it in a non-traditional style which is described as "an easy, accessible and fun read".

Introducing 'Envoke (y)our authentic'

During the rest of August I'll make some other suggestions for articles or blogs relevant to our work. Feel free to make suggestions too.