Roberto Trotta to give Charmian Brinson Honorary Lecture 2022


Professor Roberto Trotta

The former Director of CLCC will return to Imperial this November as the Charmian Brinson Honorary guest speaker.

The Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication is delighted to confirm that science communicator, astrostatistician, author and former CLCC Director, Professor Roberto Trotta, will deliver the Charmian Brinson Honorary guest lecture this year. 

Choosing a very fitting topic, Professor Trotta will discuss "The need for Humanities in an AI-dominated future". 

The lecture, scheduled for 6.30pm on Wednesday 2nd November, will take place in the Clore Lecture Theatre (Huxley Building). Following the talk there will be a Question and Answer session.

Register for Roberto Trotta's guest lecture (eventbrite)

About Professor Roberto Trotta

Roberto Trotta is professor of Astrostatistics at Imperial College London, currently on leave of  absence to the International School of Advanced Studies in Trieste,  Italy, where he is heading a new research group in Theoretical and  Scientific Data Science. Between 2015 and 2020, he was the Director of the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication.

Roberto works at the crossroads between cosmology, machine learning and statistics, focusing on developing and applying new Bayesian and machine learning methods to large and complex data sets from cosmology and astrophysics. An award-winning author and science communicator, he is the recipient of the Annie Maunder Medal 2020 of the  Royal Astronomical Society for his public engagement work.

About the Charmian Brinson Honorary Lecture

The Charmian Brinson Honarary Lecture is an annual, free lecture where CLCC welcomes an external speaker to discuss a relevant topic of their choice. Students of the Imperial Horizons programme have historically been prioritised places due to the popularity of the speakers. Helen Sharman,  astronaut and science communicator, gave the last in-person talk in 2020, and Dr Alexander (Xand) van Tulleken, doctor and science presenter, delivered the lecture online in 2021. As a gifted speaker and close friend of the CLCC, we look forward to hearing what Professor Trotta will share with us for 2022-23.


Ms Cleo Bowen

Ms Cleo Bowen
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication