Imperial News

IGHI leads development of course for people involved in AI clinical research

by Meesha Patel

The free self-paced training course is aimed at researchers and research delivery professionals interested in AI methods.

The Institute of Global Health Innovation has partnered with NIHR Clinical Research Network and the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare, to build an e-learning course to raise awareness and fundamental knowledge of artificial intelligence among researchers and research delivery professionals.

The training, developed for those involved in various stages of clinical research, hopes to target groups such as research nurses, managers, and clinicians.

Users can access the course through the NIHR Learn, the NIHR’s Online Learning Management platform used to deliver accredited learning programmes. A free-to-create account is required to access the training.

'Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Clinical Researchers' is now available to anyone directly employed by the NHS, UK universities and other publicly funding organisations.

"We hope this course enables clinical researchers to explore the concepts of AI in healthcare and provides inspiration to create future leaders in this expanding field." Prof Ara Darzi Institute of Global Health Innovation

Professor Ara Darzi, Co-director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation said: “In the future, artificial intelligence will be vital in enhancing our ability to apply best practice, and support patients in managing their health.

“We hope this course enables clinical researchers to explore the concepts of AI in healthcare and provides inspiration to create future leaders in this expanding field.”

Creating future leaders in AI

The e-learning course is split into three core modules, each ending with an assessment. The first module covers the background and context of AI in healthcare including an example of successful AI application in health care. The second module takes a close look at concepts that are frequently encountered in the field of AI, including terminology with a focus on healthcare applications. The third module looks at applying AI in health care, including the ethical considerations, regulation and planning for delivery success.

The course aims to provide participants with an introduction to the key concepts that are frequently encountered in the field, including practical case studies. It also gives an overview of the different organisations that provide support to clinical researchers to develop their AI research study in the UK.

Since its release in April, over 200 users have enrolled in the course with participants expressing positive feedback: “Overall, this course was very informative and covered enough breadth that enabled me, a clinician, to understand the world of digital health, machine learning and AI without being overly technical.”

"Our mission is not only to be at the forefront of AI for health research, but also to bring health workers along for this exciting journey." Prof Aldo Faisal UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare

Dr Ahmed Fetit, Senior Teaching Fellow at the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare said: “When we developed this course, we wanted to demystify AI concepts and terminology for clinical research professionals and empower them to evaluate the opportunities and challenges presented by AI.”

Professor Aldo Faisal, UKRI Turing AI Fellow and Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI for Healthcare said: “Our mission is not only to be at the forefront of AI for health research, but also to bring health workers along for this exciting journey.”

The free course can be accessed on NIHR Learn through creation of an online account.
