Civil Engineering Alumnus becomes Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow


A recent alumnus of the Civil & Environmental Engineering department has been named as one of the Fellows for the RAEng's Enterprise Fellowship

The Enterprise Fellowship is a 12-month programme for creative and entrepreneurial engineers to help with the acceleration of innovative ideas that are at an early stage of development.

It offers equity-free funding, an extended programme of mentorship and coaching, and access to a community of engineering mentors and alumni.

One of the Fellows, Will Dubin, is a recent graduate from the Civil Engineering MEng course and the founder of ManholeMetrics – a sensor and analytics start-up, who have developed a low-cost technology designed to prevent wastewater flooding.

The technology uses ultra-low-cost, long-life sensors mounted in manholes to collect data from sewers and drains, giving real-time flood warnings and allowing for insights into the correlation between weather data and water levels to predict flooding and identify blockages.

Will was joined in being awarded the fellowship by three researchers from different departments within Imperial.

If you are looking for entrepreneurial support for an idea or project that you are working on, please head to the entrepreneurship webpage:


Jonathan Turner

Jonathan Turner
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering