Year 10 and 11 girls join researchers for a day of Computing


Year 10 and 11 students

The Department of Computing held its first Computing Taster Day for Girls and Non-binary students.

The Department of Computing held its first Computing Taster Day for Girls and Non-binary students on Wednesday 26 October 2022.  

The event was attended by more than 60 Year 10 and Year 11 girls and non-binary students from local London schools. Attendees spent the afternoon participating in lectures, programming workshops, and Q&A sessions – all led by our world-class female staff and students.  

“The aim of the day was to inspire more girls to consider computing as a potential career, by showing them a range of female role models working in this exciting sector” - Jackie Bell, Senior Teaching Fellow, Department of Computing. 

“The group of girls and non-binary students from local schools were full of energy and talent; they listened intently and asked insightful and challenging research questions after the talks. I hope many who attended that day will join us again as undergraduate students!” - Prof. Michael Huth, Head of the Department of Computing

Attendees valued the opportunity to meet with other girls their age who were interested in studying computer science at university:   

“I enjoyed meeting new people and just exploring another option that could be my future!” 

“I really enjoyed the Q and A with current students - it was really interesting hearing about the student's life and their experiences. I also enjoyed learning about how all different industries are tied into computer science.” 

Staff supporters, organisers, and student ambassadors were thanked for their contributions. It is hoped that this event will be the first of many exclusive events for girls and non-binary students. 

  • Student looking at a computer monitor
  • Student listening to lecture
  • Student in group discussion
  • Students listening to lecture


Mr Ahmed Idle

Mr Ahmed Idle
Department of Computing


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