Make some noise for the Exams team!


Exam room individual desks and chairs

As the last of our department's summer exams finishes, our Education Team says a huge WELL DONE to students, and shares some impressive stats.

All signs of exams in our building have disappeared overnight, and students are now focused on their individual and group project work. For staff, the next phase of the process has already begun — co-ordinating the marks, moderation and final results that are announced in July.

A big team is responsible for ensuring our exams run sucessfully, and detailed processes involved in the preparation and production of exam papers, managing large amounts of data, handling queries from colleagues and students, setting up the spaces, and ensuring compliance with assessment policies and regulations.

Thank you to Kate Farrar who co-ordinates the whole of the exam season, and also to Ella Greenhalgh, Kathleen Curran, Emma Rainbow, Zia Rahman, Jurate Ciuzauskyte, Aurelio De Sousa Ferreira, Christos Papavassiliou, Zohaib Akhtar, Kristel Fobelets, Zahid Durrani, Kelly Greenwood, and our amazing team of invigilators, who are always an essential part of the exams team.

A big shout out also to the department's Student Wellbeing Team who supported throughout.

EEE summer exams in numbers

51 exams

written and then checked by internal and external examiners


individual exam papers printed, sat, scanned, processed and sent for marking

850+ students

including from outside our Department

3½ weeks

of exams

3 staff

Aurelio, Jurate and Zia, who are responsible for setting up the rooms each morning and afternoon

4 floors

of our building used for exams

22 invigilators

in the team, recruited and managed by Ella


Jane Horrell

Jane Horrell
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6263

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