DoC Researchers Receive Esteemed ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award 2023


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The ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award is a highly regarded acknowledgment of impactful research papers presented at the ACM SIGMOD conference.

Imperial College Department of Computing celebrates a significant achievement as four researchers are honoured with the prestigious 2023 ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award. Raul Castro Fernandez, Matteo Migliavacca, Evangelia Kalyvianaki, and Peter Pietzuch have been recognized for their influential work titled "Integrating Scale Out and Fault Tolerance in Stream Processing using Operator State Management.". 

The ACM SIGMOD Test of Time Award recognizes the top paper from the SIGMOD proceedings of the previous decade. This selection is based on evaluating the paper's impact in terms of research, products, and methodology over the intervening years. The SIGMOD Awards Committee assesses the contributions of each paper to identify the one that has had the most significant influence in the field. 

The ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award is a highly regarded acknowledgment of impactful research papers presented at the ACM SIGMOD conference, which significantly contribute to the field of database management systems and data-intensive applications. This accolade recognizes papers that have had a lasting impact and continue to shape the industry. 

The award paper improves stream processing by addressing the challenges of scale-out and fault tolerance. Their innovative techniques in managing operator state in stream processing systems have enabled seamless scalability and robust fault tolerance. 

Professor Pietzuch expressed gratitude for receiving this prestigious recognition. He stated, "We are honored to receive the ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award. This acknowledges the collaborative effort of our research team and highlights the significant impact our work has had on stream processing and beyond." 

Professor Michael Huth, the Head of the Department of Computing at Imperial College, commended the researchers' accomplishment. He said, "We are proud of Raul, Matteo, Eva, and Peter for their exceptional achievement. Their research exemplifies the innovative and impactful work conducted within our department. This recognition further underscores Imperial College's commitment to pushing the boundaries of computer science research." 

The ACM SIGMOD Test-of-Time Award recognizes the contributions made by the Imperial College Department of Computing and demonstrates its commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of computer science research. This award-winning research will undoubtedly continue to inspire and shape the future of stream processing and its applications in the evolving digital landscape. 


Mr Ahmed Idle

Mr Ahmed Idle
Department of Computing


Engineering-Computing, Research
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