Professor Dan Crisan will be involved in RMetS Quarterly Journal


The Royal Meteorological Society will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Quarterly Journal with a commemorative meeting at ICL.

RMetS Quarterly Journal: Celebrating 150 Years

The Royal Meteorological Society is proud to be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Quarterly Journal with a commemorative meeting at Imperial College, London. The talks have been specifically chosen to reflect
the best papers submitted in QJ over the years, including looking back over past progress, and forward to challenges of the future.

Speakers will include Tim Woollings (Oxford University), Tony McNally (ECMWF), Brian Golding (Met Office), Joanna Haigh (Imperial College), Alan Blyth (Leeds University), Steef Boeing (Leeds University), Mark Baldwin (Exeter University), Bablu Sinha (National Oceanography Centre) and Thornwald Stein (University of Reading).

A panel session will be held to discuss all aspects of scientific publishing, including topics such as the future of scientific publishing; how best to publicise your research; open access and its funding, open vs closed reviews. Panel members will include representatives from the QJ Chief Editors, Wiley publishers and the RMetS Exec Team.

During the networking refreshments, delegates will have the opportunity to review posters presented by early-career scientists who have recently published in the QJ. The meeting will end with a celebratory drink reception.

This event is aimed at professional meteorologists and researchers, including specialists in all science topics covered by the QJ, with particular emphasis on attracting early-career scientists.

More information can be found here:


Anna Radomska

Anna Radomska
Faculty of Engineering

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