Agents of Change: Inspiring graduates making a positive social impact


Agents of Change cohort

As the fourth cohort of women graduates from Imperial College London’s Agents of Change programme, we celebrate how the project empowers women.

The group of 15 participants graduated at a celebratory event held at the Invention Rooms in White City on Thursday 22 June.  

The Agents of Change Women's Community Leadership Programme aims to support, empower and connect women in Imperial’s local community (within the boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea) to drive positive social change. Graduates of the highly respected programme are individuals committed to making a difference who share a common desire to tackle community challenges.

The women who took part this year work in areas ranging from education and sustainability to social cohesion.

Angela Lewis, one of the trainers on the programme and Associate Director of Imperial’s Environmental Research Group, shared her admiration of the programme’s graduates, encouraging them to continue to create positive change.

"When I joined the Agents of Change, it became the turning point in my life." Jacqueline John Agent of Change participant

Speaking at the graduation event, Agent of Change Jacqueline John shared her story of joining the programme: “When I joined the Agents of Change, it became the turning point in my life. I had the privilege of journeying alongside an inspiring group of women who have left an indelible mark on my heart and mind. In their presence, I witnessed the transformative power of when women unite and support. The programme provided us with a comprehensive toolkit of skills and a mechanism for effective community leadership.” 

Through workshops, seminars, and practical exercises, participants learned self-reflection techniques, project management strategies, and collaborative approaches.

“These skills have not only equipped us with the necessary tools to lead community projects but have also facilitated a deeper understanding of ourselves as leaders,” said Jacqueline. “We were guided by exceptional coaches and guest speakers that empowered us to challenge the status quo, champion causes close to our hearts and make a difference to the lives of those we serve.”

Agents of Change

Designed exclusively by women for women, the six-month programme is led by Farial Missi, Imperial’s Community Engagement Manager.

She said: “The Agents of Change programme is remarkable. As a previous graduate myself, I’m proud to witness how the programme boosts women’s confidence, creates meaningful connections and enhances women’s skills and knowledge equipping them with the tools needed to drive social change.”

Many women are in a room, busy with various activities
Agents of Change brings women together

This year's programme received an overwhelming response, with over 45 applications. After careful consideration, 15 local women were shortlisted to participate. They all have inspiring grassroots project ideas that address critical issues within the local communities. These include:

  • Supporting parents with children who have learning disabilities - This project aims to provide much-needed assistance and guidance to local parents facing the unique challenges of raising children with learning disabilities.
  • Workshops for carers with family members who have mental health problems - This initiative seeks to create a supportive environment by organising workshops that offer valuable insights and resources to individuals caring for family members who have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  • Driving change around climate change and sustainability - This project aims to remove barriers and enable local residents to actively contribute to the fight against climate change. By empowering the community, this initiative strives to promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • Mental health first aid training - Recognising the importance of mental health, this project aims to deliver comprehensive mental health first aid training within the community. The goal is to enhance mental health awareness and ensure better support for individuals facing mental health challenges.

During the programme, participants engaged in monthly sessions held on Saturdays, each focusing on different areas of personal and professional development. The sessions cover topics such as vision and goal setting, identity and values, consciously choosing to create change, mission and theory of change, project planning, leadership communication, resilient leadership, drama techniques for public speaking, and fundraising.

Sessions were led by trainers, including Imperial staff as well as past graduates of the Agents of Change programme.

“By leveraging the expertise and success stories of these individuals, the programme ensured a well-rounded and impactful learning experience for participants,” Farial said.

“For me, the program's success lies not only in its ability to uplift and inspire individuals but also in its collective impact on the communities they serve.”


Ellie Cawthera

Ellie Cawthera
Communications Division

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Mental-health, White-City-Campus, Disability-support, Women-at-Imperial, Comms-strategy-Wider-society, Comms-strategy-Real-world-benefits, Sustainability
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