Imperial News

2022-23 Student Prizes Announced

by Ms Cleo Bowen

Four CLCC Undergraduates have been awarded prizes for their work this academic year.

The following students have successfully been awarded prizes by the Horizons Examination Boards for 2022-23:

The Sir Arthur Acland Prize for Excellence in Humanities (joint winners):

  • Oliver Fiddy (2nd Year Computing) in module Science Communication for his essay Galileo, Simplicio, and Being Wrong In The 1600s.

  • Yee Lin Tan (3rd Year Materials Science & Engineering) in module Science, Policy and Power for her essay Regulation of E-Cigarettes in the United Kingdom. A Case Study on Scientific Evidence-Based Policy

The Sir Arthur Acland Prize for Excellence in Languages: 

  • Cyril Haller (4th Year Biological Sciences with French for Science), for his extended project on indigenous children in Canada which looked at the process of reconciliation after the genocide.

The President’s Prize for Science Communication

  • Jasmine Ajaz (2nd Year Physics). Jasmine was the student with the highest overall module mark in the Science Communication module.

Congratulations to all our prize winners on your achievements.