Dr Jennifer Wallis co-edits new book on mental health


Book cover - Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform

Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform, edited by CLCC's Dr Jennifer Wallis, is out now

Book cover - Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform

Dr Jennifer Wallis, historian of medicine and psychiatry and module leader for Imperial Horizons/I-Explore modules History of Modern Medicine and the Body and History of Intoxication, is one of the co-editors of a new edited volume.

Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform (Palgrave, 2023) is now available in eBook and hardcover.

The volume explores themes of memory, forgetting, and memorialization in the history of psychiatry and mental health. Chapters cover a range of topics, including the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna, photography in the asylum, and oral histories of deinstitutionalization. 

Read more about Memory, Anniversaries and Mental Health in International Historical Perspective: Faith in Reform.


Ms Cleo Bowen

Ms Cleo Bowen
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication