RSC Broadening Horizons programme 2023

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RSC Broadening Horizons attendees

Tate group PhD students Shradda Vadodaria, Gaseitsiwe Lame Senatla and Xinyue Zhang attended the RSC Broadening Horizon’s programme 2023 in Manchester

The RSC Broadening Horizon’s programme was founded on the findings of RSC’s “Missing Elements” report, which highlights that systemic racial discrimination has hindered the retention and progression of talented chemists from minoritized ethnic groups, particularly Black chemists. Broadening Horizons was launched with its first cohort in 2022 to address this data and increase opportunities for Black and ethnic minority students and early-career researchers in the Chemical Sciences. The 2023-2024 cohort had a Taster Event in Manchester in June. The 3-day event was attended by 130+ participants and partner companies: AstraZeneca, GSK, Unilever, Johnson Matthey, BASF, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Syngenta, Nanomerics Ltd, AM Technology, RSSL, and Charles River Laboratories.

My personal experience Shradda Vadodaria:

There was an overwhelming sense of community at the Broadening Horizons Taster event, where I had the opportunity to meet fellow cohort participants. It was incredibly humbling to connect with peers who are both passionate about the same science and have shared experiences as chemists from a minoritized ethnic background. We also had one-to-one networking opportunities with representatives from partner companies to discuss potential career pathways and their actions to address exclusion issues in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. As a part of the program, we are currently undergoing company site visits, where we can learn more about companies through experiencing their research facilities first-hand and interacting with current employees. I am excited to join such an empowering network of scientists, and I look forward to paving my career with tools from a first-of-its-kind program aimed at breaking down barriers faced by minoritized ethnicities in STEM.

My personal experience Xinyue Zhang:

Beyond the Taster Event, the program thoughtfully extended its impact through immersive company site visits. Each participant had the privilege to select three companies from the aforementioned partner list, affording them the chance to gain first-hand exposure to the inner workings of the industry. This aspect provided invaluable insights, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications. In a commendable effort to provide holistic support, the program also facilitated mentorship connections for each participant. Drawing from both academia and industry, mentors played a pivotal role in guiding participants towards exploring novel ideas, defining clear goals, and meticulously managing their evolving careers. The mentorship experience served as a crucible for personal development, allowing participants to tackle challenges, uncover hidden potential, and chart a trajectory aligned with their aspirations. In summation, the Broadening Horizons in the Chemical Sciences program emerges as an invaluable and transformative experience for students within the realm of chemical sciences. It provides a multifaceted platform for holistic growth, connecting students with industry leaders, enabling immersive learning experiences, and fostering a nurturing mentorship environment.


Dr Thomas J Burden

Dr Thomas J Burden
Department of Chemistry

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Edward Bartlett

Edward Bartlett
Department of Chemistry