Celebrating our postdoc community


Chemical Engineering postdocs

In celebration of National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023, the Department of Chemical Engineering are shining the spotlight on the postdoc community.

Our postdocs are powerhouses of talent. They are essential to the success of the department – diligent, creative and enthusiastic - progressing research and guiding members of the team to transform the future of engineering.  

Over the course of the week (18 September - 22 September), we will be catching up with Lucia Lombardi, Giulia Tarantino and Yubing Hu, exploring more about them and their value to us. 

Meet Yubing Hu

Yubing is a painting and swimming enthusiast; also one of our fabulous postdoc researchers! 

With a keen research focus on analytical biotechnology in the use of optical biosensors for portable, wearable and implantable diagnostic devices, Yubing joined the department in 2021. 

Aside from research, Yubing dedicates a large amount of time to activities that support the department tremendously. These include supporting our undergraduate and postgraduate students on their own academic journeys, organizing the visit for the London International Youth Science Forum and marketing postdoc committee events. 

Fittingly, Yubing is also a finalist of the Imperial College Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre (PFDC) Supporting Research Staff and Students Award 2023!

On being part of the #OurImperial community: “It has been a very pleasant journey. I have become more open-minded, integrated and inspired in these positive surroundings and am learning each day from the staff and students around me, paving the way for me to hopefully become an academic, too."

Meet Giulia Tarantino

A sports enthusiast and a lover of high octane obstacle races; also one of our fabulous postdoc researchers! 

Driven by the desire to tackle global environmental challenges, Giulia joined the Department as a postdoctoral researcher in 2019.

Aside from actively researching and problem-solving, Giulia commits a significant amount of time to the supervision of undergraduate students within the department, with the aim of aiding their growth as scientists and engineers.

On being part of the #OurImperial community: “Being a postdoc for me brings hard-work and dedication, but also gives me the freedom and opportunities to explore different fields and techniques to hone both my research and support for the next generation of engineers and chemists”.

Meet Lucia Lombardi

Image of person in the lab
Lucia Lombardi

An avid dancer and active member of a belly dance group; also one of our fabulous postdoc researchers!

Driven by her interest in supramolecular chemistry and nanotechnology, Lucia joined the department in 2021.  

Since then, she has worked tirelessly to engage with not just research, but key departmental activities. These include fostering a postdoc community ethos, organising career development talks, and emphasising events that focus on mental health and wellbeing.

On being part of the #OurImperial community: “Reflecting on my experience, I can confidently say that my life has become more active and joyful since joining Imperial College London. Being a member of the postdoc committee has surrounded me with exceptional individuals who have played a crucial role in my achievements". 

Campus-wide events

Imperial College London will also be hosting a number of events to celebrate the postdoc community. 

What is Postdoc Appreciation Week 

Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) is a celebration of the fantastic contribution postdocs and researchers make towards research and academic life in general. It's a special time to showcase, recognise, and celebrate their efforts, and thank them for all they do!



Postdoctoral-researchers, Engineering-Chemical-Eng, Research
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