Keynote Speaker/Prof. Mark Fricker, University of Oxford

Celebrating the diversity of fungal science
The Imperial Fungal Science Network brings together researchers at Imperial and beyond to tackle global challenges in fungal science. This year’s Autumn Symposium was a hybrid event held on Wednesday 22nd November, 14:00-17:00, at the Sir Alexander Fleming Building, South Kensington Campus.
The Network was delighted to host sixty in-person attendees and more online. The symposium was designed as two Sessions to capture the breadth of research topics and contributions to fungal science across our three key research themes. The first focused on ecology, evolution and the environment and the second was dedicated to biotechnology and engineering, and pathogenesis of fungal diseases.
The full Program included keynote speakers Prof. Mark Fricker (University of Oxford) and Dr Leonardo Rios Solis (University College London) together with short talks by eleven researchers, from undergraduate students to senior academics, presenting their work. Following the excellent oral presentations, attendees enjoyed drinks and further networking at the Sir Alexander Fleming foyer.
Researchers interested in the network can find more information and join the network at webpage.
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Ioly Kotta-Loizou
Department of Life Sciences

Contact details
Email: i.kotta-loizou13@imperial.ac.uk
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