Imperial News

An impactful year in 2023 for Imperial’s BHF Centre of Research Excellence

by Jaya Rajamanie

The BHF Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) looks back on a dynamic and successful 2023 as it approaches the final year of its award.

The feedback from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) on Imperial's BHF Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) following its most recent annual report was excellent. They noted outstanding achievements across key objectives, including notable publications, impactful collaborations, revisions to clinical guidelines, and the generation of valuable intellectual property. The impressive number of active BHF Programme Grants held by researchers at Imperial College London underscores a vibrant and thriving research ecosystem.

A pivotal initiative this year has been the exploration of strengths in the field of vascular dementia. In this regard, the CRE collaborated with the UK Dementia Research Institute (DRI) Centre at Imperial to host a joint symposium in May. The symposium featured a diverse array of talks, spanning topics from the pathology of vascular dementia to leveraging data science to advance experimental dementia research. This effort has set the stage for an anticipated call from the BHF for the directorship of a ground-breaking new venture - the BHF-UK DRI Centre for Vascular Dementia Research.

The CRE has been proactive in its outreach activities, exemplified by the successful running of the BHF Imperial College Science in Medicine Cardiovascular School Team Prize for the third consecutive year. This national competition, spearheaded by Professor Dorian Haskard with the support of the CRE administration, attracted 57 entries, with 10 finalists participating in an online afternoon. The winner was awarded a prize of £3000.

Additionally, a notable event was the visit by the BHF Patient Advisory Group and Patient and Public Involvement Team on 29th November. This event served to showcase the CRE's collaborative efforts with the UKDRI and bioengineers. The visit included tours of the new labs in the Uren, where BHF-funded fellows and PhD students presented their research through engaging slide talks and posters.

Looking forward, we have submitted an application for the upcoming round of BHF CREs spanning from 2024 to 2029. This joint application, led by Professor Manuel Mayr, the newly appointed Professor of Cardiovascular Proteomics, and Professor Costanza Emanueli, has been selected for an interview scheduled for January 2024.

In summary, the year 2023 has been marked by significant accomplishments, collaborative ventures, and a commitment to advancing cardiovascular research. The CRE continues to play a pivotal role in contributing to scientific knowledge and societal impact.