Imperial News

Ed delivers the 2023 Behringer Simon Lecture at ETH Zurich

by Edward Bartlett

Ed was invited by the PhD students of the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at ETH Zürich to deliver the 2023 Behringer Simon Academic Lecture

Ed was honoured to give the 2023 Behringer Simon Academic Lecture, following in the footsteps of past lecturers who laid the foundation for key developments in chemical biology, including Carolyn Bertozzi, Ben Cravatt, and Ed's own PhD mentor at Cambridge, Steve Ley.

In his lecture "Exploring protein modification with chemical biology: from PTMs to drug discovery", Ed explored the opportunities enabled by his diverse and multidisciplinary team to address tough challenges from academic chemical biology and drug discovery at Imperial College London to translation at Myricx Bio. 

He also had the great opportunity to engage in discussions with young researchers at the LOC, learning a lot of new science in the process. Ed would like to sincerely thank the Behringer Simon Committee members and ETH faculty for their kind invitation, excellent organisation, and hospitality!