Imperial News

Old Centralians Trust Student Activity Awards 2023-24

by Helen Wilkes

The Old Centralians' Trust has awarded an exceptional group of students with Student Activity Awards for 2023-24.

Each award of £800 from the trust is aimed at encouraging undergraduate students in the pursuit of extra-curricular activity during their time at Imperial.

A number of excellent applications were submitted from students within Faculty of Engineering Departments, resulting in strong nominations to the Trust from their Senior Tutors. Some bursaries carry the names of notable engineering Alumni who have given valuable service to the City & Guilds College Association.

Activities recognised by these awards include:

  • Club and society committee leadership
  • Giving lectures to peers
  • Representing Imperial College in sporting competitions
  • Leading mock interviews
  • App development
  • Participation in departmental academic and wellbeing representation
  • Engagement as an Outreach Ambassador

The awardees are:

Department of Aeronautics:
Yash Santosh Talekar (3rd Year MEng Aeronautical Engineering in 2023-24)

Department of Bioengineering:
Ioana Esanu (Molecular Bioengineering in 2023-24) (Brian Locke Award)

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering:
Jospeh Guillon (4th Year MEng Civil & Env. Engineering in 2023-24) (John Sowden Award)
Patrick McAdam (3rd Year MEng Civil & Env. Engineering in 2023-24)

Department of Computing:
Naman Sharma (4th Year MEng Computing in 2023-24)
Zaki Amin (4th Year MEng Computing in 2023-24)

Dyson School of Design Engineering:
Zhao Qi (Zyque) So (4th Year MEng Design Engineering in 2023-24)
Maryam Fetanat Fard Haghyghy (3rd Year MEng Design Engineering in 2023-24)

Department of Earth Science & Engineering:
Reha Chandresh (4th Year MSci Geology in 2023-24)
Keri-Marie Latimer (4th Year MSci Geophysics in 2023-24)

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering: (Peter Lindsay Awards)
Shaheer Chaudry (3rd Year MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2023-24)
Shermaine Ang (3rd Year MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2023-24)

Department of Materials:
Anjali Benny Devadasan (MEng Material Science and Engineering in 2023-24)
Sophie Kay (MEng Material Science and Engineering in 2023-24)

Department of Mechanical Engineering:
Varun Raaghav (4th Year MEng Mechanical Engineering in 2023-24) (Theo Marx Award)
George Worledge (4th Year MEng Mechanical Engineering in 2023-24) (Peter Grootenhuis Award)