Jana Volarić wins RSC Poster Competition 2024


RSC Poster Prize 2024

Tate group member Jana Volaric wins best poster in chemical biology at the RSC Poster competition 2024 held on Linkedin.

Tate group member Jana Volaric wins best poster in chemical biology at the RSC Poster competition held on Linkedin.

Researchers from all over the globe took part in the RSC’s annual poster completion held on Linkedin for the first time in 2024. Jana’s work highlights research her and others in the Tate group are currently exploring. Her poster titled “A palmitoyl transferase chemical genetic system to map ZDHHC-specific S-acylation.” Click here to view Jana’s poster in full. 

Congratulations to Jana on her win!


Dr Thomas J Burden

Dr Thomas J Burden
Department of Chemistry

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5821
Email: t.burden@imperial.ac.uk

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