Imperial News

Teresa Thurston recognised for work supporting women in academia

by Emily Govan

The CBRB’s Dr Teresa Thurston has been awarded the Julia Higgins Award for her work in supporting gender equality in science.

The Julia Higgins Medal and Awards are awarded annually to recognise individuals, groups, and departments that have made a significant contribution to the support of women in academia at the College.

The accolades are awarded annually and named in honour of Dame Julia Higgins DBE FRS FREng, Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Investigator in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial.

Dr Thurston of the Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology (CBRB) was nominated for the award by senior academics in the Department of Infectious Disease. Her award praised her thoughtfulness and moral courage in supporting women in STEM as well as her actions as a role model to inspire future generations of women scientists.

She is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Infectious Disease and started her lab with a David Phillips Fellowship in 2018 at what was then the Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection (now the Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology).

"It was a real honour to receive this award and I can’t thank enough those who have inspired me, and perhaps more importantly those who have trusted me to help and support them." Dr Teresa Thurston

Dr Thurston has chaired the Centre's Training, Development & Welfare Committee and has championed a Women’s group for the Centre. The group, which meets informally, often over lunch or tea, aims to break down barriers within Imperial, help women obtain advice and mentorship as well as discuss topical issues.

Dr Thurston said: ‘It was a real honour to receive this award and I can’t thank enough those who have inspired me, and perhaps more importantly those who have trusted me to help and support them.’ 

Many congratulations Teresa!

Dr Shiranee Sriskandan

Dr Shiranee Sriskandan, Co-Director of the CBRB, was also celebrated with an Award, for her outstanding and enduring commitment to advancing the position of women in academia within the Department of Infectious Disease. She has provided generous support to them for over many years including providing invaluable mentorship and support, exemplary leadership and contribution to senior female academic recruitment. In her nomination, her colleagues stated that "her impact extends beyond Imperial, with several of our former research group members establishing successful academic careers at other universities."

Awards Event

The winners of this year's Medal and Awards were announced at a special event on Monday 10 June, hosted by Associate Provosts (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Professor Lesley Cohen and Dr Wayne Mitchell.

Imperial's Provost Professor Ian Walmsley congratulated winners at the lunch: ‘Your exceptional work to support women at Imperial through your advocacy, mentorship, and dedication to gender equality is recognised, and your tireless efforts and inspiring leadership have created a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

"By championing the cause of gender equality, you not only uplift individuals but also strengthen our entire community. Your contributions are invaluable, and we celebrate your achievements with great pride and gratitude.’

You can read more about this year’s winners here.