Imperial News

SHINE disability project

by Anneliese Levy

SHINE disability project looking at the barriers to participating in clinical trials.

A group of the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit staff carried out a project looking at the barriers to participating in clinical trials that people with disabilities face.   
They were joined by BSc student Sameed Shariq, who carried out a scoping review and MSc student, Yoshiko Sakuma for a survey and focus group.    
For both studies Marie Miller was co-author, Marie is Public Involvement Co-ordinator for the Imperial Clinical Trials Unit, and an expert advisor at the Imperial College London & Partners Hub Research Support Service.  
Both studies include insights into how researchers can take to make clinical trials more inclusive. Such as utilising patient and public involvement to improve recruitment and protocols. As well as carefully considering exclusion criteria to only include what is essential and open-up the research participation for people with disabilities. 
Find out more about how the Imperial Partners & Hub Research Support Service could help you design inclusive health and social care research