Imperial News

Get a head start on your CV ahead of the new academic year!

by Anabela Pocas, Noemie Oster

Planning is key to success, so why not get your CV prepared today?

A CV is the first contact you have with a prospective employer and, as such, is your chance to make a good first impression. As well as proving that you have the required skills, it should tell them what the benefits are of having you on their team.

The main purpose of a CV is to advance you to the next stage of a recruitment process. It is therefore vital that your CV:

  • Be tailored to the opportunity;
  • Be easy for the reader to find the skills they need to see;
  • Provide evidence of how skills are gained;
  • Be consistent in terms of its layout;
  • Fill one or two whole pages;
  • Have no grammatical or spelling errors.

First steps

If you’re not sure how to get started, here’s what we recommend:

  1. Use our Reading advertisements webpage to help you analyse what the recruiter needs to see from you;
  2. Match the skills you have to the opportunity you are applying to, using our Know your skills webpage to help you;
  3. Create a CV that showcases those skills the recruiter is asking for.

For more information and advice, you can visit our CVs and resumes webpage or browse our CV, Cover Letter and Personal Statements guide. You may also wish to attend our upcoming online CVs and cover letters session on Thursday 12 September, from 10.00 – 11.00.

Further assistance

Once you’ve drafted your CV, you can get it checked by one of our careers consultants by uploading it through the MyCVs service or booking an appointment through JobsLive.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!