DoC Student Shares AI Expertise at Canada’s Largest Summer Hackathon


The team and Tom posing for a photo

Tom found the hackathon to be a vibrant hub of collaboration and inspiration.

Tom Smail, a dedicated computing student at Imperial, recently returned to the place where his passion for hackathons was first ignited: Hack the 6ix, Canada’s largest summer hackathon held at the University of Toronto. However, this time, Tom returned not just as a participant, but as a speaker, mentor, and judge—a full-circle moment in his journey from enthusiastic hacker to an a voice in the tech community.

Two years ago, Hack the 6ix marked the beginning of Tom’s deep dive into the world of hackathons, and the chance to return as a leader was a dream come true. Despite hurdles such as visa restrictions and flight cancellations, Tom’s determination to be part of the event never wavered. His resilience paid off, and the experience exceeded his expectations.

During his talk, Tom captivated the audience with a personal story about learning German, which inspired the development of his AI teaching assistant, Otto. He detailed the innovative techniques used to enhance Otto’s ability to understand spoken German and improve response times, offering attendees a unique glimpse into the intersection of AI and language learning. His presentation not only showcased the power of AI but also highlighted how personal experiences can drive technological innovation.

Beyond his presentation, Tom found the hackathon to be a vibrant hub of collaboration and inspiration. He connected with brilliant minds from around the world, exchanged ideas, and gave back to the community that had once fueled his own passion for technology and innovation. Reflecting on his time at the event, Tom expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to an environment that has played such a pivotal role in his journey.

As Tom continues to explore the potential of AI, he looks forward to more opportunities to foster learning and innovation, both within and beyond the hackathon community. His story serves as an inspiring reminder of the impact that perseverance, passion, and community can have on shaping the future of technology.

For Imperial's Department of Computing, Tom’s achievements underscore the spirit of innovation and excellence that defines its students, and his journey is a testament to the boundless opportunities that lie ahead for those who dare to dream big.


Mr Ahmed Idle

Mr Ahmed Idle
Department of Computing


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