Imperial News

Imperial launches climate course for students and staff

by Conor McNally

A new six-part online course equips Imperial students and staff with the tools and understanding to act on climate change.

The Introduction to Climate Change course is aimed at students from all disciplines and helps them learn about climate change and the role they can play in addressing it. It covers the causes and impacts of global warming, how society needs to adapt and mitigate its effects, and how these strategies relate to broader sustainability challenges.   

We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change; extreme weather events all around the world are happening more often and are more intense because of climate change. Professor Joeri Rogelj Grantham Institute

By undertaking this course, students will also obtain skills to evaluate the reliability of climate change information and make balanced, informed and climate-conscious decisions in their daily lives, studies and future careers. 

“We are already experiencing the impacts of climate change; extreme weather events all around the world are happening more often and are more intense because of climate change. These challenges will only become more severe if we fail to effectively tackle it,” said Professor Joeri Rogelj , Director of Research at the Grantham Institute.

“Each of us can play a role in finding solutions to these challenges, be it by reducing our carbon footprint or by making society more resilient to climate impacts; the programme has been designed to support the very start of your journey.”

Sustainability toolkit

Accessible on the Blackboard platform, the course has been developed by a team of leading climate scientists and experts at the Grantham Institute – Climate Change the Environment, the Centre for Environmental Policy and the Department of Physics.

It includes a mix of recorded materials, readings, expert interviews, and e-tivities, and was co-produced in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Edtech Lab and the Digital Media Lab at Imperial.

Mary Ryan
Professor Mary Ryan, Vice Provost (Research & Enterprise)

“We are committed to equipping all our students with the knowledge, expertise, and skills necessary to enhance your degree, thrive in your career, and make a positive impact in the world,” said Professor Mary Ryan, Imperial’s Vice Provost for Research and Enterprise. 

“As part of this commitment, we are enabling all Imperial students to complete a course in sustainability led by our experts during their time here. The course will develop your understanding of both the challenges and possible solutions, the impact that you can make and the tools to help you advocate for a sustainable future.” 

Students and staff can undertake the course in their own time. Upon successful completion, they can request a certificate and will be provided with useful links to help them continue their sustainability journey through their academic and professional careers.

Click here to learn more and access the course.