Looking for careers advice from home?


two students sat with tablets in a study space

Make the most of our video library!

At the Careers Service, we’re proud of the many events that we organise to help you in your professional journeys which is why we record those that we can and post them on our Careers video library webpage.

Our current recordings include:

  • 10 Minutes With… – a series of podcast-style conversations that explore the career pathway and day-to-day work of professionals working in a variety of fields
  • Career Discovery Snapshots – our placement and internship advisers share their knowledge of industry sectors and provide top tips
  • Careers Panels and Forums – sessions which bring together several speakers from a specific employment sector to provide insights into their industry
  • Careers in China – an annual collaborative selection of events run with several leading UK universities
  • Careers programme for autistic students – a collaborative project with the Disability Advisory Service to help students with autism to prepare for and succeed in recruitment activities for internships and graduate positions
  • Employer Webinars – exclusive recordings of employer recruitment presentations to enable students to review content (these are not always possible, so it is best to attend an event in real time)
  • Life in…Talks – a series of presentations where employers provide valuable insight into their specific career sector
  • Graduate Entry Medicine – support for students interested in enrolling on a graduate entry medicine degree programme to train as a medical professional
  • Networking Events - meet with a variety of organisations and Imperial alumni as they share their insights on how to get into and succeed in these sectors
  • Part-time Work – this session will take you through the practicalities of understanding if a part-time job can fit with your studies, how to find the right job and how to tailor application documents to get the role

These resources can help you to explore career pathways and develop commercial insights and a greater understanding of the options available to you. For further online careers support, check out our Exclusive online resources webpage.


Noemie Oster

Noemie Oster
Careers Service

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Contact details

Email: n.oster@imperial.ac.uk

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